What to Make Everyone Before the Holidays

December 20, 2014

Excited to prepare that $100+ organic bird? Or to shave those beautiful black truffles over scallops or rissotto? Or just freaking out over cooking dinner for 15 friends and family for the first time??

Whatever your situation, most people with family coming in town are focusing on preparing that perfect holiday meal. But what do you serve to everyone before the “big event” and before you have leftovers?

I stumbled upon this crazy easy Chicken Stroganoff recipe last week that is sure to satisfy even the pickiest of house guests, including kids! There are only five ingredients, six if you count the pasta, and the best part is everything gets thrown in the crockpot!

Now, it’s not the healthiest of recipes, but who are we kidding, your diet is out the window until January 1st anyway. It’s also not the prettiest dish in the world, but sprinkle some chopped parsley on top, and lots of black pepper, and after the first bite no one will care what it looks like.

I do use lowfat cream cheese and whole wheat egg noodles, to make it not soooo bad for you. Also, next time I throw this together, I will add frozen peas, sliced baby bellas and a splash of dry white wine (in the last 30 minutes).


Easy Crockpot Chicken Stroganoff

What’s one of your easy, go-to meals to serve when you have houseguests coming in town?

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